The Humane Society of Warren County has a program called “Hand in Paw”, which was set-up to fill a need in our community. We support families who have hit hard times with food for their pet(s), and emergency vet funds up to a certain amount.
Our Hand in Paw Program is designed to help people keep their loved pets at home, instead of surrendering them to the shelter.
Hand in Paw was started in 2012, and we are very proud to help our community in this way. We typically have dozens of families enrolled at any given point, and since it’s inception, it has helped to keep hundreds of animals at home with the families who love them instead of entering an overcrowded shelter system.
If you find that you are in need of assistance with this program please fill out the application below and a staff member will be in contact with you to discuss your needs. You can find our Hand in Paw application below.
***This program is available to Warren County residents only and the food pantry is open to pet owners. If you are feeding a cat colony in Warren County, we will assist with food under the condition that you work with us to provide TNR services to the colony to prevent further unwanted litters being born homeless.***
Hand in Paw is fully funded by donations, and your pet food, pet supplies or monetary contributions are always needed.
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